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Green Schools

Urhan National School has been awarded Green School status by An Taisce.

The Green Schools standard
The Department of Education has created the Green Schools standard to encourage schools to be environmentally-conscious!

Green Flag No.1

We have been awarded a Green Flag for our work on tackling Litter in our school and community.

  • We adopted a Green Action Plan to help us reach our recycling targets
  • For our 'Day of Action' we cleaned our local beach - it has become an Annual Beach Clean.
  • We achieved our target for September and now recycle 95% of our paper & 90% of our plastic.
  • We divided our school into zones and we are all responsible for keeping our own zone litter-free.
  • we shred lots of oaoer and we put it in the compost bin. If we have some fruit for lunch we put the peels and any leftovers in the compost bin too.
  • We had great fun making our own re-cycled paper.
  • A successful 'Recycling' poster competition was held

    Green Flag No.2

    Since receiving our first Green Flag, we have continued our work on reducing litter and increasing recycling. We have taken on the new challenge of reducing the amount of Energy which we use. Over the next two years we are going to...

  • Adopt a Green Energy Action Plan (Please click on the link below)
  • Adopt a new Green Energy Code with our energy motto:"Every little difference makes a big difference"
  • Start fundraising for a Wind Turbine so that we can generate our own environmentally friendly electricity.
  • Make many changes to the way in which we use electricy.
  • Make our heating system smarter! We want to purchase lagging, reflective panels for our radiators and a new burner.
  • Add an annual Planting Action Day to our Annual Beach Cleanup in Trá Mhara.
  • Develop the school garden. We planted a potato garden last year. We want to plant other vegetables this year.
  • Charge an 'Environmental tax' to all groups using the school facilities.
  • Continue the good work of the first Green School Committee.
  • Urhan National School

    Heather o'Sullivan (Principal)
    Urhan National School
    Co. Cork
    027 - 74418

    Action Plan - Energy