Urhan National School Website

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About us 2

'Teachers in the school since 1968:'

  • Mr Riobaird O'Dwyer
  • Ms Anne Sheehan
  • Mrs Fitzgerald
  • Mrs Margaret Harrington
  • Mr Sean Murphy
  • Mrs Maureen McCarthy RIP
  • Mrs Heather O'Sullivan
  • Mrs Coleen O'Leary
  • Ms Mary O'Driscoll
  • Mr Dara Glynn
  • Ms Fiona Harrington

Did you know that....?
The painting of the windows was funded by Cork County Council Arts Office in 1998.
The children's artwork on the windows was carried out under the supervision of artists Bonnie & Rupert Cracknell.
The school children have participated in Cork City Sports since 1970.
The school has participated in Sciath na Scoil since 2000

Contact us

Our teachers 2011/2012

Junior room- Mrs. O’ Sullivan

Senior room- Ms. Harrington

Learning support- Ms. O' Mahony

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