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May 2012

Hurrah! We have been awarded our fourth Green Flag : ) A representative group are going to Cork to the presentation. Pictures of presentation to follow. Have a look at our poems in the pupils page.

Congratulations is extended to our Athletics team who performed extremely well in Cork City Sports on May 18th.

Best of luck to our second class who will receive their First Holy Communion at 11am in Eyeries Church, May 12th. We wish them an enjoyable and memorable day.

Appreciation is extended to the parent and pupil volunteers who helped fundraise for the school in Super Valu on May 5th.

Congratulations to the school Sciath na Scol team who are through to the finals in Dunmanway on June 7th. They played superbly against Castlehaven NS, the Model School Dunmanway and local school Trafrask NS. Please click here to see our team with their lucky mascot 'Fred the Red'.


Dates for your diary: May 2nd is our COW DAY in school- Cycle on Wednesday. May 27th is our second annual Cycle on Sunday.

Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine (we all depend on each other): Congratulations to our pupils who raised money for The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland. By reading lots of books these pupils received sponsorship and were delighted to raise €278 for this good cause. The pupils received Certificates of Appreciation and prizes for their efforts. Click here to see our group after receiving their certs.
Wise owl returns to school

We had a welcome visitor who caused much excitement in the school today, a barn owl! We saw him at small break and when we came in after break we found out lots of information about owls. We hope he comes back to visit again.

Awards Ceremony for Tidy Towns School Award
Congratulations to the children of 6th class in Urhan National School for their success in the recent Tidy Towns, Caring for our Environment Competition. They were the winning school entry for the South West region. A representative group of 4 attended the awards ceremony held last Friday, 29th October in the Brehon Hotel, Killarney, where the children received a certificate and a cheque for €750.
The awards were presented by Minister Michael Finneran (Minister of State, Department of Environment, Heritage & Local government) and Mr. Donal Horgan, Managing Director of SuperValu and Veronica O'Connor, Fáilte Ireland. Click here to see the representative group being presented with the prize.

The Sam Maguire
Great excitement as the Sam Maguire visits Urhan NS


Bake sale on in school from 2pm Monday 13th February.

Congratulations to our U11 and U13 team who partook in the Credit Union Quiz Competition on Monday 6th in Castletownbere.

Well done to Sonia O' Donoghue, Chloe O' Neill, Erin O' Shea and Caoimhe Duggan who all partook and received medals at their recent dancing Feis in Cork.

We celebrated Grandparents day on February 1st with a prayer service. This was also Lá le Bhríde. Our grandparents came to visit our school. It was an enjoyable evening. Thanks to Father Jim for leading our service.


'Discover Cork: Schools' Heritage Project'- Our history project on the Mass Rock has won an award! We attended an awards ceremony in the Silversprings Hotel, Cork City on March 22nd. View our proud moment here. We're all smiles after our award, click here.

To celebrate St. Patrick's Day we had a céili on Friday 16th. Click here for one of the Junior Rooms performance and here for Senior room- Riverdance here we come!

We had great fun at a drumming workshop 'Drumbash' on March 15th. Look at our photos!

Comhghairdeas le Rang 5 who made their Confirmation on March 12th. They were a credit to the school and their families.

The children are having a busy Seachtain na Gaeilge (5-17ú Márta). From PE through Irish, learning songs of our native country, reading Irish books and preparing for their Irish dancing performance on Friday 16th, they are getting into the spirit of Seachtain na Gaeilge. Maith sibh go léir!

Tidy Towns

Congratulations to the boys in Sixth Class who have been awarded the Tidy Towns School Award for a project they completed in June. The boys made nesting boxes and bird tables and produced a wonderful project entitled 'Wildlife Watch'.

European Building Project
Well done to the pupils from Junior Infants to Second Class who took part in the European Building Project. They constructed models of European buildings such as the Louvre in Paris. These pupils won arts and crafts materials for the school.

School reopens:
A special welcome to our new Junior Infants.

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