Urhan National School Website

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Urhan National School has a wide range of activities to support experiential learning for the students.

Art Art forms an integral part of the school's curriculum, with a variety of methods and media explored. The children explore paint and colour, fabric and fibre, clay, print, drawing and construction

Cookery Cooking is extremely popular with all pupils. The children have turned out tasty cakes, pancakes, pizza & cookies.

School tour This year, the school organised a trip to Let's Go School Tours in Douglas. The day was action-packed and the bungee jump and KMX carts were very popular. The pupils also had great fun trying out new activities such as fling socks and the wobbly ladder.

Students from Urhan national School engage in a wide range of sporting activities.

Athletics Urhan National school promotes the enjoyment of athletics and participates in Cork City Sports and Community Games
Beara Blitz Pupils from First to Sixth class participate in a blitz with the Beara schools in the summer term. A great day is had by all pupils and we would like to thank our Games Development Officer, Kevin O' Donovan for organising this fun blitz.

Dancing Every Thursday our dancers attend Irish Dancing lessons

Gaelic Football
The school particpates in the Sciath na Scol every year. The children always enjoy the competition and Urhan NS has a proud record in it.

Gymnastics The children love participating in gymnastics lessons and put on a magnificent display of their gymnastic routines for their parents in the school hall

Swimming Pupils from first to sixth class partake in swimming lessons

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