Urhan National School Website

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Urhan National School 1884 to present

We would like to thank Mr Sean Murphy, retired Principal of Urhan NS, for kindly submitting the following insight into the history of our school.

" The old Urhan National School was opened in 1884 and closed its doors to education on January 30th, 1968. The new school was built in 1966 and occupied on February 1st, 1968.
The two teachers in the school at that time were Riobaird O'Dwyer and Anne Sheehan of Cahirkeem Cross. There were around 50 pupils in the school at that stage.
The pupils in sixth class that year were...

  • Paudie O'Sullivan
  • Dan Sheehan
  • John Harrington
  • Donal O'Sullivan
  • Patrick O'Sullivan
  • Michael James O'Neill
  • Sean Murphy
  • Patricia Hanley RIP
  • Margaret Cronin
  • Delia O'Sullivan


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