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Stories from pupils of Urhan National School.

Read our reviews on our history project Awards Night:

Awards at Silver Springs
One day after school at half four fifth and sixth class and Ryan, Gavin, Steven had to go to Cork for an award. We had to go to Silver Springs Hotel. When we went in there was a load of good projects. When we went in to the big hall it was crowded and very hot.
When they started Ryan was called up first because he came first in the grandparents project, he won a rosette and a camera. Gavin came second he got a rosette. Steven came third and he got a rosette too. Fifth and sixth got third we did the copper mines we got one rosette for the school and a day out horse riding.
We left after we got our stuff because it would take a long time to go home. On our way home we stopped to eat in Dino's it was very nice. Thanks to Miss Harrington we wouldn't have been able to go up or do the project. Thanks to Noelle, Bernie, Annemarie, Michelle, Mag, Carmel, Karen and Pauline who came up with us too.
It took a long time to come up and go home but it was definitely 100% worth it.
BY Erin O' Shea

Awards night at Silver Springs!
Yesterday on the tenth of April the pupils from the big room in Urhan National School went to the Silver Springs Hotel in Cork to receive our rewards from the Discover Cork Heritage project 2013.
Before Christmas we entered this competition. We did our projects on Berehaven Copper mines and Grandparents.
Before the Easter holiday's our school got notified that fifth and sixth class came third in the primary class category with our project - the Berehaven Copper Mines! And also three other children from third and forth came first, second and third in their grandparents project, third place in their category was Steven O Shea from fourth, second place was Gavin O Sullivan from third and first place in their category was Ryan Crowley from fourth.
There were over 500 people in the conference room. There were lots of different projects on display. We looked at all the projects and they were all very good.
Kieran Mc Carthy was the organiser and he called up the winners of the Grandparents projects first. He started with 3rd place, then 2nd place and then he called 1st place. He told everyone a little bit about their project. Steven and Gavin got a Rossete and a gift voucher from Easons and Ryan Got a Rosette and a camera for First place.
5th & 6th Class category was next. They started with sixth place, then fifth place, then fourth place and then we were up next as we came third.
Fifth and sixth class went up to receive our prize. He congratulated us on our project and spoke a little about it.
We got one rosette and a trip to the Equestrian Centre in Watergrass Hill in Cork.
We took some photos and left soon after. We got on the bus and went to Ballincollig to the chipper as we were all hungry.
We didn't get home until after half eleven last night. It was a great experience all thanks to our teacher Miss Harrington. !!!!!!
By Cian & Ryan Crowley

Awards Night at Silver Springs
It all started with a project and not just any project 5th and 6th project on the copper mines.
We made a model on 'The Man' engine house it was an exquisite work even if I say so myself. Our project book was terrific. Blood, Sweat and Tears went into our project so we were delighted when we received the letter stating that we had come 3rd.
On the 10th of April we went to the presentation at Silver Springs. We went up to Cork on Tommy Hartnetts bus we were so excited.
When we got there it was packed. We looked at the other projects they were all so brilliant. Kieran McCarthy went up on stage and told us all to take a seat.
The first category was 3rd and 4th class. In 3rd place was Steven O'Shea and in second place was Gavin O'Sullivan and in 1st place was Ryan Crowley the whole category went to us.
Then it was our turn there was over 500 people. It was so warm. Then Kieran called us up we walked up and received our rosette. We also won a trip to an equestrian centre I would love to go there.
Then we stopped at 'Dinos' to eat it was a great night. I had so much fun and I would do it again in a heart beat.

Cork heritage project
We went to Cork for an award ceremony in silver springs hotel. We arrived at 6.50pm.The ceremony started at 7 o' clock. He started of the ceremony with the grandparents projects. Steven came 3rd, Gavin came 2nd and Ryan came 1st out of 500 grandparent's projects. The copper mine project came 3rd on their project and they won a trip to lucky meadows. We had a lovely evening.
By:Gavin O' Sullivan

Presentation at Silver Springs
Hi my name is Caoimhe and I go to Urhan National School. We recently received an award as we completed a project on the Berehaven Copper Mines. We sent our project to Cork to get judged. When we received the results that we had got 3rd in our category we were delighted, overjoyed and surprisingly shocked. We honestly didn't expect anything as we were in a difficult category. Anyway this is a story of the night of the award ceremony
We left the school at four thirty on a rainy, cold Wednesday afternoon. We were in Cork for seven and took our seats in the Silver Springs Hotel. After looking at the projects we sat back down and Kieran McCarthy started talking. The first award he present was to the 4th class category he called out 3rd then 2nd then 1st:
3rd:Steven O' Shea (4th class)
2nd:Gavin O' Sullivan (3rd class)
1st:Ryan Crowley (4th class)
Then he went on to our category. He called prises 6th - 1st. We went up on stage and received our award. I was so proud of us and so was everyone else, teachers and parents.
I'd just like to thank our teacher Ms. Harrington for all her support!!

By Caoimhe Duggan

Presentation at Silver Springs
One day in the middle of April we were due to go up to Cork for a presentation of a history projects we completed on the Coppermine's and the Grandparents award.
We left at 4:30 to go up to Cork for the awards. When we got up there 2 hours later we went in and got our seats. We took up two rows of seats. Later we found out there were 500 of us there.
We decided to look at the other projects around the room. There were small ones, lego ones, big ones and a lot more we even saw one about Michael Collins { a book we are reading in school}.
Once we got back to our seat Kieran McCarty began. The first one up is Urhan N.S. Steven O' Shea coming third place in the Grandparents category. Second place goes to Urhan N.S. again, to Gavin O' Sullivan. Last but not least first place goes to Ryan Crowley from Urhan N.S.
After a while he began the primary class awards. I can't remember the other schools names but I do remember when he said third place goes to Urhan N.S. for the Coppermine project.
After he gave us our projects award we hit the road. We were all hungry so we stopped at Dino's, a restaurant close to the city.
It was around 11:30 when we got home. We got rosettes and a tour of Lucky Meadows as a prize. I had great fun and I hope we can do it again in the future.

By: Katie O' Sullivan

Silver Springs Awards Ceremony
Hi my name is D.J and I am going to tell you about our award's in Silver Spring.
We arrived at Silver Spring's on a wet night. The awards ceremony stared at 7:00. Fifth and Sixth class, Steven, Ryan and Gavin went to Silver Spring for our presentation. Fifth and Sixth class came third out of Cork. Ryan came first out of Cork, Gavin came second and Steven came third.
I would like to thank Tommy Harthett who brought us to Silver Spring's. I would like to thank Miss Harrington for helping us.

By DJ Sheehan

Poems we wrote to celebrate our Green Flag Day

T is for teachers who helped us get our flag,
R is for ride a bike and don't forget your bag,
A is for always wearing a helmet on your bike,
V is for very good- a very good hike
E is for earth so keep it clean
L is for live and don't be mean
By: Katie O' Sullivan

Travel is why we got our flag
R esponsible is our special tag
A erobic legs are what you need
Viral green flags will succeed
E veryone including bears in caves
L augh out loud when they travel safe
By: Caoimhe Duggan

T is for travel- get out of your car
R is for rain- rain rain go away- we want to walk on a good fine day
A is for active, working together, helping each other and having fun
V is for visible and wearing hi-vis vest walking and cycling
E is for environment and keeping it tidy
L is for loving our planet- help us, help it
By: Erin O' Shea

T is for travel
R is for the road to watch out
A is for apple cores that we decompost
V is for valuing the planet
E is for everyone that joins in
L is for legs we use to walk to school
By: Shannon Hanley-Murphy

T is for toxic which we despise
R is for rubbish that we destroy
A is for affection of our Green Flag
V is for valuing those that gave us a hand
E is for energy that we respect
L is for life that we all love
By: Kate Sheehan

T is for travelling, biking or hiking
R is for riding a bike
A is for above in Cork we get our flag
V is for vans which waste fuel- we don't like
E is for energy- we need to save to get our flag
L is for legs we use to bike or hike so we don't waste fuel
By: Ryan Crowley

T is for travelling we do
R is for respect we show to our environment
A is for appreciation we show to our Green Flag
V is for valuing our planet
E is for energy we save
L is for legs we use to walk
By: Joseph O' Shea

T is for the way that we travel
R is for reading signs
A is for always respecting our world
V is for vehicles - no use on sunny days
E is for energy which is important to save
L is for legs that we walk on everyday
By: Chloe O' Neill

T is for taxis and cars we should not use
R is for relaxing at home in our shoes
A is for adventurous, what we should be
V is for very good travelling you will see
E is for energy what you need
L is for lovely days and you will succeed
By: Sonia O' Donoghue

T is for travelling
R is for recycling
A is for always being careful on your bike
V is for vans and filling with diesel
E is for everything we do
L is for lots of litter that's gone
By: Shane Sullivan

T is for travelling and why we got our Green Flag
R is for riding horses and bikes
A is for always being ready to brake on your bike
V is for value we show
E is for energy we save
L is for legs we walk with
By: DJ Sheehan

T is for travel, the fourth Green Flag
R is for responsibility to your school
A is for agreements and no arguments
V is for valuing the good we find
E is for environment that we are saving
L is for luck to save our planet
By: Clare O' Shea

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