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Green Flag no. 2

Green Flag No.2
Since receiving our first Green Flag, we have continued our work on reducing litter and increasing recycling. We have taken on the new challenge of reducing the amount of
Energy which we use. Over the next two years we are going to...
Adopt a Green Energy Action Plan (Please click on the link below) Adopt a new Green Energy Code with our energy motto:"Every little difference makes a big difference" and make many changes to the way in which we use electricy.

We will make our heating system smarter! We want to purchase lagging, reflective panels for our radiators and a new burner. Add an annual Planting Action Day to our Annual Beach Cleanup in Trá Mhara. Develop the school garden. We planted potatoes and want to plant more vegetables also. Charge an 'Environmental tax' to all groups using the school facilities. Continue the good work of the first Green School Committee.

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